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Successful story

Unleash Your Best

Successful story
Unleash Your Best
Anna is a graduate of Dignity Kitchen’s 16th Batch Training Program in 2022. After the training, she worked in Dignity Kitchen as a frontliner serving customers.
Anna was keen to try her hand at office administrative duties. And early this year, Anna was introduced to a passionate employer through the Train & Place Program of Dignity Kitchen. She was successfully recruited by this employer from a prestige multinational firm. Her major duties in this clerical position are to assist data entry and research analysis in the office. She finds her job challenging and full of excitement.
Anna appreciates the Train & Place Program in Dignity Kitchen where she was able to widen her horizons and working experience. She was also able to enhance her social interpersonal skills a lot too. She came back in mid-May to visit us and thanked us for giving her such a valuable opportunity.😊
安娜是尊嚴廚房2022年第16期培訓班的畢業生。 安娜熱衷於嘗試擔任辦公室行政職務。
今年年初,安娜透過 Dignity Kitchen 的培訓和就業計劃認識了一位熱情的雇主,被一家知名跨國公司成功聘用。她在這個文書職位上的主要職責是協助辦公室的資料輸入和研究分析。她發現自己的工作充滿挑戰且充滿興奮。
安娜很感恩有 Dignity Kitchen 的培訓和就業計劃,她能夠拓寬自己的視野和工作經驗。她的社交能力也得到了很大的提升。她五月中旬回來探望我們,感謝我們給她這麼寶貴的機會😊



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